Monday, December 19, 2005

Why the hell do I do this? v4.0 Musical Edition: More Masochism, Maestro

So, it's already been established that in lieu of real life drama, I get my strong emotions vicariously through TV.

So, what happens when I don't need Intervention to make me depressed? What happens when I'm lonely and I start to really miss having a couch cuddle companion?

Well, what I usually do is sit at my computer and listen to music.

Aside: Now, let me preface this. I'm one of those people who simply can't describe their musical tastes. Eclectic is such an overused descriptor, so I'll use the lesser-used, yet more appropriate, term "music spaz." If you thought my guilty pleasure movies were bad.. you ain't seen (er.. heard) nothin' yet.

I don't think I've bought a CD in the last 10 years, so music for me is strictly digital. Because of the hunt-n-peck tendencies for getting music in the manner in which I get it, I have a collection of some weird and random shit, along with a lot of lame Top 40 crap that I heard on the radio and couldn't help myself.

Aside: Yes.. I get it in THAT manner... I'm a firm believer in just letting technology take its course... if technology exists to do something, you should be able to do it, and the system in place should adapt. NO, I don't think that Metallica is going to starve. If you want to know how music is going to survive, you might be surprised to know that blogs are part of the answer. I won't bore you with the same tirade on piracy as my movies post.

The thing is, when I'm depressed, I actually have playlists just for the occasion. Now, you might think that the logical thing to do might be to compile some upbeat music in a foray towards faking out the funk. But no, you read the subject of the post, so you know better. (if you didn't, quick, look now! I'll pretend I didn't notice... okay.. see it? Good.)

So, instead of listening to music that would put me in a better mood, I instead purposefully listen to a list consisting exclusively of sappy songs about love and wallow in my self-loathing.

What the hell is wrong with me?!


Blogger Vicarious Living said...

Why ruin a perfectly good set of upbeat songs by listening to them in a not so good mood?

Ok, so what was the last cd you purchased then?

3:38 PM  

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