Thursday, September 29, 2005

Why the hell do I do this?

Despite my complete and utter irresponsibility in updating this blog, I still have the feeling that this is the first of many-a-post with this kind of title; which, of course, is a rhetorical question asking "do other people do this too?" which, of course, is a cry for justification of my own sorry-ass behavior.

Ahem, so, that said; let's get right into the latest iteration of one of my favorite acts of utter stupidity.

The company I work for (yes, I "work for the man, ev'ry night and day") is having their annual conference this week, which means that I have a whole week of 12 hour days, much of which is spent with me standing and doing menial tasks becoming of your typical twenty-something in Corporate America.

Operative phrase in the previous paragraph is "whole week of 12 hour days." Said 12-hour days begin at about 7:30am.

...are you thinking what I'm thinking? Are you looking at the time stamp for this post?

Not like I even need to preface this, but I'm not a morning person. Despite my, shall we say, elongated collegiate career, I have been working full-time for a while now; and, well, I just don't think I'm going to ever get used to getting up in the morning. And this is, of course, due to the fact that I will never get used to going to bed early.

Why the hell do I feel an incredible urge to stay up and do things, even productive things, to the point where I often have moment-of-clarity inspirations like "Jesus tap-dancing Christ, I totally forgot about that whole self-indulgent, hoping for validation from others (and secretly hoping that a really smart girl reads this and likes me :D) thing that I was doing with the blog!" when I know that I REALLY should be in bed, and that every moment I stay up is just more pain for me tomorrow???

It's really messed up, it's like some kind of demonic calculus equation where, as T (time) approaches L (Really Fucking Late); N ( my need to do shit tomorrow) is equal to the reciprocal of Z (how tired I am).

The fact that I just spent a few brain cells spelling that crap out should illustrate my current state of mind pretty accurately.

I call my blog the last place on earth, and that's sort of a wacked way of saying that I think my view of the world is unique, but I don't really want it to be unique. I want other people to see how I see things and say, "yeah, that's how I see it too."

I don't want to conform to what other people say, and I don't want others to conform to me; I just want to throw my view against the proverbial wall of people out there and see if it sticks to anybody.

So, anybody out there feel me on the "I know this is so stupid, but I think I'm going to start watching last season of The Shield. Yes, I realize this is a totally idiotic and self-destructive thing to do to myself, and I realize that I totally have a choice in this matter, but I'm a moron, and I choose to entertain myself now and eat a fat one later!"

P.S. The "Why'd I do that?!" phenomenon is a discussion for a later (hopefully not in 6 months time) post; where I'll include one of my favorite observations regarding the actions of a techonologically-dependent person such as myself when said person is in his or her place of residence when there's no power for an extended period of time. Much comic hilarity ensues.


Blogger Vicarious Living said...

And this is the reason I continue to check your blog, hoping for a new post. Are you sure you aren't crawling around inside my head when I'm not paying attention?

Last week, sitting up in a gorgeous hotel room at 1 am, knowing I had to be up and at 'em at 7am, still did not discourage me from watching Gladiator on mute and reading while my roommate snored peacefully.

I will never be a rise and shine girl, the night is too seductive.

12:42 AM  

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