Friday, February 25, 2005

Well, well, well...

You made it.

I don't know how the hell you found this place, but I'm sure glad you did.

Blogs are created via strange synergy of vanity and a desire to share. I think I've got a lot to give, and so I intend to share it, but at the same time, I'm looking for validation of my choices. I'm looking for those who would absorb what's spewing out of me, and for them to share some of their insights on this strange thing we call life.

I guess I'm looking for a the human equivalent of a friendly paper towel.

: )

If you couldn't tell, this blog is in it's fetal stages. It is FAR from being what it will be, that is, a place where I'll share my thoughts and life happenings from time to time. I'm going to put my computer graphics skills to work and turn this into a place that more closely reflects me.

Someday... when I get around to it.

- Frange


Blogger Mr G said...

None of us is the first or last on this blogging via lactea, so whether your site was meant to remain hidden or to be discovered is something hard to figure out...
Glad you have decided to conquer your own privately shared portion of this web-land anyway...
bst of lucks

9:55 PM  

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